31-Day Self-Care Challenge
Step into Spring with my 31-Day March Self-Care Challenge. 10 minutes of self-care a day for 31 days! On purchase, you will get an immediate download of all your practices. It couldn't be easier.
It's not selfish to want some time out for yourself and it is certainly not selfish to want to feel amazing but why is it that so many of us put ourselves at the bottom of our list of priorities?
Here's the thing, when we’re at our best, we can give our best and something as little as 10 minutes a day can be all that we need.
So, if you are feeling tired, stressed and worn out or simply feel like there isn't enough time for you and your needs, then this challenge is for you.
I have designed it with simplicity in mind and loaded it with a variety of nourishing self-care practices that you will love!
You will receive an electronic calendar and for each day of March, you will have instructions or links that take you to self-care practices.
For the next 31-days, you will be enjoying recipes, yoga and movement practices, meditations, breathing techniques, journaling prompts and more!
10 minutes or less is all it takes - which makes this challenge completely do-able right? And in return for this short time investment, you will feel like you are getting a piece of yourself back; whatever part of you feels lacking or below par at the moment.
Each act, day after day will help to build your resilience to stress and reconnect you to feeling at your best.
Your space, your time! You deserve it!
Imagine what difference 31 days of consistent self-care practice will do for your mood, energy and productivity?
Imagine having practices at your fingertips that will leave you feeling calmer, focused, energised, inspired, confident and joyful?
Are you in? No excuses, no guilt just the simple act of kind, mindful and necessary self-care.
Order now and you will receive instant access to the welcome video introducing you to the challenge, you'll get the inspirational reading list and a commitment pledge and your electronic self-care calendar.
Please note, that I ran this in July 2020 and some of the most popular practices are included here so there are other challenges referenced in a few videoa but it has also been refreshed with lots of new recipes and other practices. There really is something for everyone.
Always check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise regime or lifestyle change.
Not all movements are suitable for all bodies. Please honour and respect yours. Watch first, move mindfully and breathe.
When practicing any of the yoga videos it remains your responsibility to gauge the safety of your practice within your personal physical limitations.
Melissa Campbell: Yoga, Self-Care & Women’s Wellness assumes no responsibility for injuries suffered while practicing these movements & techniques.