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Don't do a Britney in 2019!

Writer's picture: Melissa CampbellMelissa Campbell

Updated: Nov 11, 2018

Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail!

It's the start of November and this year I have really noticed how affected I am by the seasons and the different energetic qualities they bring and while it is still a work in progress, I am learning to adapt my whole self-care regime accordingly.

I hope to be even better prepared next year which is why I am starting now to lay the foundations for my seasonal well-being practice. I know myself well enough by now to know that I have to outsmart my future self ha-ha.

For example, I know that December & January Melissa, likes to bake and eat a lot of cake, prefers food that is quick and easy over what is best and is pretty adverse to going outside for air and exercise.

How do I deal with this? Well, each year I chose a theme and set myself challenges, quite often exercise-related. Three years ago, I trained and ran a half marathon, the year before I walked 10,000 steps every day for charity, and this year I walked a marathon along the Jurassic coast.

I then tell people and this helps me to stay accountable and of course, if you are doing something for charity you can't let them down!

Inner Compass Point

At the end of December, I also like to take stock of the things I have achieved and am proud of, as well as the things I need to enhance and improve on going forward. It is from this exercise that I set myself my personal and business themes which then help to shape and guide my actions throughout the year.

Setting a theme acts as an inner compass point; I know whether I am heading in the right direction and I also know, when I am going off course.

Doing this yearly exercise has saved me so many times. Of course, I have my moments and blips but without a goal or something to aim for, we can lose our way.

How about you?

What is your December and January self like?

How do you plan for each year?

Do you do something similar to me? I’d love to know.

Don't do a Britney ("Oops I did it again"),making it another year where you think of doing something but end up not following through.

Outsmart your future self and get yourself New Year ready with my 2019 New Year New Beginnings Day Retreat.

With all this said, it is also good to remind ourselves that there is only so much planning we can do. We can't control what may come to our door. Things change, we change and so, how do we deal with this?

For me, this is where Yoga comes in. It helps to anchor me into the present and reminds me to find peace within all of life's ebbs and flows.

I also love Rumi's poem ‘The Guest House’, it is one of my favorites. I have been reading it in my classes this week and would like to share it here.

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness, 
some momentary awareness comes 
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
emptying it of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

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